Fire Inspections

Inspections of properties must be done, or arranged for, when:

  • a complaint is received regarding the fire safety of a property
  • a request is made to assist a property owner or occupant to comply with the Fire Code and the involvement of the Chief Fire Official is required by the Ontario Fire Code

Any inspection conducted must include notification of the property owner or responsible person and appropriate follow-up with enforcement, if necessary.

A Fire Code inspection can be initiated by making a “formal request” or by a Fire Prevention Officer. During the inspection, the property owner will be shown the violations to the fire code, if any, and directed to correct these violations. A Fire Safety Inspection Report, Inspection Order, or other written recommendations will be provided to detail daily, weekly, monthly, and annual fire provisions and equipment maintenance requirements. The Fire Service and property owner can also work effectively together to resolve any compliance issue.

Licensed childcare, whether home-based childcare associated with a licensed agency, or centre-based childcare, have to meet and maintain provincial standards. These standards are set out in the Day Nurseries Act. These standards help program operators meet the health, safety, and developmental needs of the children in their care. The West Nipissing Fire & Emergency Service provides Home Day Care Inspections of childcare facilities to assess the fire and life safety of a building.

During an inspection, the Fire Prevention Inspector will look for compliance with the Ontario Fire Code. Here is a short list of potential items an inspector will look for:

  • Blocked / obstructed exits
  • Damaged fire separations
  • Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms, where required
  • Records of tests for fire safety equipment
  • Improper storage of flammable liquids or gasses
  • Unsafe accumulations of combustible materials
  • Electrical issues
  • Fire safety plans

In addition, Fire Inspectors also complete regular inspections in buildings considered high risk. The Ontario Fire Code requires annual mandatory inspections of Vulnerable Occupancies, which includes the following buildings:

  • Care and treatment occupancies such as nursing homes and hospitals
  • Retirement homes
  • Group homes

Safety Concerns

If you have a Fire Safety Concern, you can request a complaint inspection.

Fill out the ‘FIRE SAFETY COMPLAINT’ form with as many details as possible and drop it off at Station 1 – 225 Holditch St., Suite 104, Sturgeon Falls, ON.

All personal information will remain confidential.

Inspection requests can be made by calling the West Nipissing Fire & Emergency Service at 705-753-1171

West Nipissing Fire & Emergency Service User Fees and Rates

Fees 2024